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Hail Repair Scheduling

Scheduling your Hail Repair can be a little challenging, but at Gray Duck Dent Repair we try to make it as smooth as possible.


Most Auto Hail Repairs can be completed in 1-2 days once approved by your insurance company.  We find waiting for the insurance approval to be the most unpredictable step within the Hail Repair Process.


Completing the Hail Repair Intake Form located on this page will assist assuring the process goes as smoothly as possible. 


The sooner we can get the necessary information to the insurance company, the sooner they are likely to approve the required repairs.


Most insurance companies require us to mark each dent individually and leave the vehicle marked up until the insurance adjuster can review the damage.  This will typically take 24 - 72 hours, sometimes longer, it tends to be on the shorter end of that spectrum when your insurance company is paying for a rental car (sad, but true).  Additionally repeated contact with adjusters and agents can speed things up, "the sqeaky wheel get's the grease".


Rest assured we have put all of the necessary processes in place to insure the process goes as quickly and smoothly as possible.


Please fill out the form as completely as possible and e-mail it to us so we can get the ball rolling.  If you have technical difficulties we can fill it out with pen and paper your vehicle is dropped off or picked up.

Have More Questions
Regarding Your
Hail Repair Claim
Feel Free To Give Us 
A Call Today

(651) 492-3368

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